Our project is aimed at bringing together educational practitioners willing to adopt Collaborative Learning Approach in different learning environments.
By applying CLA to teaching different subjects and organising various events, educators will be able to provide adult learners with:
a. - Opportunities to study more independently or from one another.
b. - Coach them in the skills they need, which will lead to increased motivation to learn, greater retention of knowledge, deeper understanding, and more positive attitudes.
The concrete objectives include identifying the current state of the CLA across participating European institutions, sharing good practice with a variety of CLA techniques; compiling a set of pedagogical tools; involving adult learners in various events based on CLA.
The project is to be implemented in three stages:
1. -The CLA identification: compiling all available information related to the approach, analyzing the relevant teaching materials, defining the CLA activities and making survey reports on the subject.
2. –The CLA modelling and its application to different learning environments: developing and applying relevant teaching techniques and materials.
3. -The final stage will include assessment the CLA effectiveness - checking whether the set of materials is complete enough, consistent and workable, which will be followed by their dissemination by organising workshops on adopting the CLA, held by every project partner for the adult education providers in their area.
The final products will include the project web page and the project Virtual Community of Practice, survey reports, open lessons (filmed), a manual 'Guidelines for using Collaborative Learning in different disciplines in a variety of adult learning environments.
- To identify, through relevant research, the current state of the CLA used by different types of adult trainers in their respective learning environments;
- To share good practices and add value to the CLA (methods, tools, materials) and vary our educators’ repertoire;
- To find better ways of engaging adult learners in the learning process as well as in the project work
- To promote a variety of methods/techniques, including learners working together in and outside of class by applying Collaborative Learning
- To explore Collaboration Tools that can be used to support CL - not only classroom technologies (computer, projector, whiteboard, document viewer, etc.) but also Online Web 2.0 tools (blogs, wikis, social networking, Google tools, etc.)
- To compile a set of pedagogical tools and develop 'Guidelines for using CLA in the adult learning environments';
- To organize workshops on applying CLA in Adult Education for adult educators in the partners' regions.